Music Rescording Studios

If you are a fan of electronic music, you must have heard about the great Ableton Live. It’s one of the easiest software to make quality music recording studios that offers extreme flexibility from the get-go.
This versatile tool for making music was not what we use today. Over the years, the digital audio workstation has gone through massive updates. The history behind Ableton Live is the reason behind its impact in the music industry.

The story started back in 2001. This berlin-based company has come up with a new digital audio workstation that left everyone in awe. The software was an audio sequencer that allowed performers to store music samples. With Ableton Live, you can later trigger the music live and build your own songs in front of a Las Vegas audience.

The engineering of this software was revolutionary. It opened the door for any ordinary person to make music with just their computer. It also allowed the user to use the music without knowing much about building pre-defined software of their own.

Due to this flexibility and functionality, the Ableton Live was loved by music recording studios and heavily adopted by the music industry. The adoption of the Ableton Live was very rapid. The music producer then got a chance to perform live on stage with a hassle-free.

But the real history of Ableton Live goes back even before the first release of the software in 2001. The co-founders of the company Gerhard Behles and Robert Henke was intrigued by the idea they came up with back in the late 1990s. Back in those days, they were relatively busy doing live shows of their own, featuring dub and techno music.

They had no intention of making software for the mass music industry. All they were looking for was to build something for their own personal issue regarding live electronic music performance.

They sought help from their buddy back in Berlin’s Technical University. Their mutual friend studied computer programming and had a firm grasp on music understanding. Together with their friend and some fellow programmers, they joined as a team and built the base of Ableton Live.

Later in 2001, with encouragement and seeing the industry’s program, they released the first version of Ableton Live. And as a result, it got instant popularity.

And this revolution has changed the way recording studios in Las Vegas perform and think about electronic music today.


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